
Edit/create a user's account

Customers & Partners / Login Accounts

To create a new login account, click the "Add User" link on the green lefthand menu.

Click on the user's name or icon to navigate to their user account page. On their page you'll then see the fields to edit their account information. These changes can also be made from the CSA Member's page by selecting the Edit Info tab above the member's name. When finished editing, be sure to Save changes.

Sometimes the attempt to add a new e-mail account is not allowed, an error message presents saying "Email address given is already in use by another subscriber".  This means the e-mail address is already in the CSAware system. It is not very common, but maybe the member previously created a log-in with the e-mail and forgot. Search for the e-mail address in Customers & Partners / Login Accts and then decide what to do: use the garbage can icon to delete it for re-use or create a Member Account by clicking the Generate Member record and have your account manager merge the two CSA Member accounts.

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