Option Settings Shares & Products / Settings / Option Settings
Your Option Settings define the software interface with your CSA members. Your CSAware account manager will walk you through this process upon your initial setup. We are providing some basic information here for reference only, we suggest that you communicate with your account manager directly before making any changes to your option settings.
Store Settings:
- Subscription Management: This option is checked by default to run the required software component for CSAs. Unless you are running a unique instance discussed with your CSAware manager, leave this option checked.
- Adjustable SKUs: Check this box if you anticipate selling meats or other items on a price per pound basis.
Editable Dates for Add-Ons/Standalones on basket: Check this box if you would like to allow your buyers to adjust their desired delivery date while chekcing out with their order. When turned on, this "rescheudle delievry date" button will appear in the basket. They can select a new date, update the basket, and checkout from there.
- Store Coupons: Check this box if you would like the option to offer coupons or gift certificates in your store.
- Offer Gift Certificates: this setting will turn on a new product in your styorefront, that allows your memeber to purcahse and send gift certificates from the storefront. Buyers can select from a defayult amount, or type in a custom amount. They can type a message to send with the gift certificate, and enter in the email address of the recipient. They will check out with this as normal. This product will be listed at the bottom of all add-ons in your storefront, or you can check the box to organize at the top of the list - great option for holiday season!
- Supplier Pages: Check this box if you would like the option to create individual pages for your suppliers.
- Social Media: Here you have the option to include Product Reviews where customers can submit product reviews in your CSAware store and Facebook “Like” Buttons. Please note: product reviews can only be removed in rare instances, so please choose this option with caution
- Organic Logo: If your farm is certified organic, please choose your certification here.
Payment Methods:
Credit Card Payments: This setting is selected if you accept credit card payments in your CSAware store via a Merchant Services Provider. Please see the article on Merchant Accounts/PayPal for more information.
- You will need to configure in your Authorize.net account which card types you want to accept. This setting in CSAware controls which options display on the billing page:
- Credit Card / Paypal surcharge: please unsure this option is legal in your state before turning on. Additionally, there may be restrictions on the percentage you can set, so please talk with you merchant account provider if you need assitance determining these numbers.
- You will need to configure in your Authorize.net account which card types you want to accept. This setting in CSAware controls which options display on the billing page:
- PayPal Payments: Select this option if you will be accepting PayPal payments in your online store. Please see the article on Merchant Accounts/PayPal for more information.
- Subscription by Check: If you allow members to pay by paper check, select this box. When you select the option to subscribe by check, the box will enlarge to permit you to offer a discount on the subscription payment made by check. Since you will be saving your Merchant Account’s service fee for this transaction, you may choose to pass on some or all of these savings to your members (or not). Note: If a member is paying by check, their check payment must be received and recorded in the system before delivery credits are assigned. Once the check payment has been entered, CSAware will create the appropriate box credits for this member’s account. To learn more about applying box credits for check payments, see the section here on Check Payments.
eCheck Payments: Select this option if you will be accepting electronic check payments (bank account) in your CSAware store. This has to be configured in your Authorize.net account before turning on in CSAware. Not recommended for recurring billing, as echecks can take 5-7 to process, and if returned/declined, can cost you high fees in chargebacks.
- Auto-Bill via eCheck: This setting will autobill eChecks instead of credit card. Should you use this setting, it is recommended to turn on "auto bill for negative cash credit", in the case of returned eChecks. Please discuss this option with your account manager before turning on.
- EBT/SNAP: Select this option if you accept EBT/SNAP payments at your drop locations.
- COD: Select this option if you offer and require COD "Cash on delivery" payments in your software setup.
Use Purchase Orders: Purchase orders are used to save you money on credit card transaction fees. Purchase orders do not charge for the order total, until the order can be fulfilled at the order deadline with the regular box credit billing. You can either turn them off altogether via this setting,
Or you can turn them on the product level in product listing settings:Purchase orders do not reduce stock when they are placed. Instead, they're indicating to the system that the buyer wants to receive the items on next delivery, if possible. At the order deadline, the system begins charging members for their upcoming delivery, which includes the box, add-ons, any extra CSA items, delievry fees, and scans for any POs that were placed. If a sku does not have stock,. the PO will not be charged, and instead pushed to the next week, repeating the above process until the order is fulfilled and delivered. If you have items with tight stock keeping, then we recommend turning off POs to avoid confusion. - CSA Items Account Name: This is a subdivision of the cash account, used for extra CSA item billing only. The default is "Veggie Credits", but can be renamed. You can give members credit in this account, that can only be used for customizing a box. Any extra CSA items will be billed from this account, before any cash account credit is used, or a payment type on file is billed.
- Refund CSA Items to Veggie Credits: If a member customizes a box below the default price (if configured in share settings), and you have the "Refund unused portion of delivery" setting in the next section checked, you can check this box and the difference will be added as a credit to their CSA Items Account (veggie credits). Leave unchecked if you want this to be processed through the cash account instead.
Subscriber Settings:
- Use Separate Last Name Field: If you would prefer to work with your members’ names in two fields rather than one, which is the default, you may split them into two fields (first, last) here.
Last Name before First: This setting gives you the option to have all names listed in the "last name, first name" format, both on the site and in reports.
- If you begin using CSAware with a single name field and at a later time decide to switch to using separate first and last name fields, let us know, and we'll run a script to "split" your existing member names into the new format.
- Request Mailing Address: Check this box if you would like to ask your members to provide a mailing address as part of the sign-up process. Remember your credit card paying members are entering their address in the billing set up. Use sparingly, like if many of your members are not paying with credit cards AND you (still) want their mailing address.
Require Full Shipping Address: This is in reference to the addres/zipcode search bar, when adding an item to basket in the storefront. The search bar will show each drop location within a 20-mile radius, sorted by distance. If you have the setting turned on, it will only show home delivery locations that contain the entered address, in addition to drops within a 20-mile radius. If the setting is turned off, then it will only display all home delivery and pick up location options within a 20-mile radius, regardless if the entered search in inside the home delievry polygon.
- There are some additional exceptions on the order in which the locations display, as the idea is to make checkout as quick and easy as possible. If the member is logged in and already subscribed, it will show their active location at the top of the search. The product may have drop restrictions, which override the above radius. These parameters are not customizable.
Allow Subscribers To: Several of these settings are pre-checked default settings. These settings allow the member to manage certain changes or cancelations themselves using their member dashboard. Please uncheck any items that do not fit with your farm’s policies. Please reach out to your account manager with any questions.
Membership Fees: If you charge a membership fee for your CSA, check this box. The field will expand to offer you a place to enter the amount of the fee (as depicted). You can set this fee to be charged once per year, or just once at the first time this member receives a delivery. Calendar means everyone charged on first billing on/after Jan 1 every year, Anniversary is as per the member’s original sign up.
- If your policy requires everyone who wants to buy anything from your business to pay a membership fee, you can also choose to assess this same membership fee for customers who are not members but use CSAware to purchase standalone items. Check the bottom “Require Membership fee for Standalone” box to assess this fee for all customers.
- Current Subscriber Discount: You are able to offer a discount for current subscribers who chose to renew their subscription for the next season. We have seen current subscriber discounts that range from 3% to 5%.
Subscription Settings:
- Subscription Add-Ons: Select this box if your store will be offering add-on subscriptions such as eggs or milk.
- Add-Ons Discount: Select this box if you would like to offer an add-on discount.
- CSA Subscription Frequencies: In this field you are choosing the different subscription frequencies that will be presented to you by CSAware when you create a new share. Here in the Settings, you can either select only those you know you will definitely use, or check all the options knowing that you can pare down the list to only the relevant options when you create the product listing for a new share.
- Debit Held Deliveries: Select this option if your store chooses to charge members for held box deliveries.
- Cancel In-Process Deliveries on Subscription Cancellation: Select this option if you would like to cancel "in-process" (post order deadline, but pre delivery day) deliveries when a subscription is cancelled.
Cancel Stale Subscriptions: If you offer subscriptions that expire (e.g. members pay for 4 or 12 boxes at a time and then renew), some members may decide not to continue receiving boxes, but their subscriptions will remain "active" in CSAware even after their box credits run out. These are not canceled automatically to give you the option of calling the member to remind them to renew. (The system does send each member one email reminder.)
- Eventually canceling these subscriptions is important because they are counted as "active" until they are canceled, so your statistics will be off until they are canceled. You can always do it manually, but this checking the box by this setting tells the software to automatically cancel these expired subscriptions after a given number of weeks.
- Deliver unpaid boxes: By checking this box you allow unpaid scheduled deliveries to be delivered and enter debit from cash account (for EBT or COD or later auto-billing). Please note that this setting changes the default for all subscribers. Please handle with care and discuss with your account manager before selecting this option.
Auto-Bill for negative cash credit: If a subscriber's cash account goes negative, this option Auto-Bills on their next billing cycle to cover the negative credit. Useful for "deliver unpaid," above.
- Auto-Bill for missing delivery fees: Useful if you allow your members to change drop locations from their member dashboard. Example, say a member goes from a no-fee pick up location, to a $5 fee home delivery before the order deadline. If this setting is checked, the system will auto bill for the delivery fee each week.
- Auto-Bill for negative delivery fees: Useful if you as admin frequently reschedule boxs' drops post order deadline. If a box is moved to a new drop with different fees post order deadline, the system will debit the member for a delivery fee credit, thus their balance will reach -1. At the next oprder deadline, the system will auto bill for this negative delivery fee credit. Recommended to use this setting and the above "missing delivery fee" setting above, a they will both ensure no members receive a delivery without paying the fee.
- Auto-Bill for negative box credits: If a member's subcription reaches negative box credits for any reason, the system will auto bill for the negtive credits at the following order deadline.
- Subscription Renewal Gifts: This option gives subscribers a choice from a selection of gift items when renewing a subscription.
By Price Custom Boxes: This section is for stores offering custom boxes (by price or by preference) Your minimum billing amount can be set here, the default is set to $5. Extar CSA item billing is handeled, by deafult, in the Veggie Credits balance. Each box the member customizes above the default value, the overage amount is added to their balance like so:
This balance is not billed by the software until the balance reaches the set minimum billing amount.
- Refund unused portion of delivery: If the member customizes a box below the default value, do you want the difference to be refunded? If so, check this box and the amount will be refunded to the Veggie credit account, unless you have the "Refund CSA Items to Veggie Credits" setting in the previous section unchecked - to which it will refund to cash account.
Printout Settings:
There are lots of options to customize your printouts with. Please cosult with your account manager with any questions.
- Labels: For assistance with deliveries, the farmer will typically use box labels, sign-in sheets, or both. If you choose to use labels, you can select to print the “Subscriber Note” (such as, “No Peanuts”) directly on the label for that member’s delivery, using the first check box. If you’d like to remind the member that their subscription is ending, the software can print a “Last Box” notice on the member’s label. The notice will actually appear twice, once as a reminder on the week before the subscription ends, and a second and last time on the week the subscription delivery stops. Depending on the label stock you choose to use in your printer, you can select the larger label (3 1/3” x 4” labels, 6 labels/page) or smaller label (3 column format, 2” x 4” labels, 10 labels per page).
- Sign-In Sheets: The majority of CSAware farmers choose to use sign-in sheets over labels. The three default settings which are checked on the printed example include the phone number, the box and add- on counts, and the Instruction information. The sign-in sheet can include columns for additional information such as “Returned Box” or “Returned Jar/Container.” Based on your printer capability, you can select the font size in which your sign-in sheets will be printed. The “Standard” font provides about 15 to 20 sign-in lines per page. The “Small” font option provides about 30 lines per page, while the “Tiny” option prints about 50 sign-in lines per page, which may be difficult to read easily.
- Packing Lists: Packing lists can be especially useful for packing custom boxes. If you use packing lists and require alternate alignment for custom box items, you can make that change here. You also have the option to sort your CSV records by box or subscription if needed.
- Packing Slips: Some farms choose to include packing slips inside each box and may also use these for packing purposes.. These can be particularly useful for custom boxes and boxes with multiple add-on items. You have the option here to print the quantity of each item in a separate left-hand column and the option to include supplier names if necessary.
And you’re done! Please make sure to “Save Changes” before moving on from this section.