
CSAware Software Navigation

Before you begin working with the software, it will be helpful to know how the system is organized. 

The Tool Bar: At the top of your CSAware screen, you will find your top-level navigation menu. The top toolbar is called the “function” toolbar. Here you will see the major software functions including shares, customers, orders, harvest, and deliveries. As you select one of the function tabs, it will open a dropdown submenu that displays “department” level tasks specific to the function you’ve selected. A third navigation area for specific actions within this department will appear as a light green sidebar in the left-hand margin. 

Please note: We use the following convention to describe how to navigate to a given page in the software. First click on a particular link in the top-level navigation bar / then a link in the dropdown submenu / then in the light green sidebar. Directions to the example below would be written like this:

Shares & Products / CSA Shares / Add Share

The Search Bar: Keyword search is available at the top right-hand corner of your screen by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. 

Activity “time out”: For security purposes, if you do not enter information or interact with the CSAware system for 15 minutes, your internet connection will “time out” and disconnect. When you log back in, you’ll be taken to your most recent activity screen.  

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