
Convert subscriptions

Convert Subscriptions: Allows you, and your members if you wish, to cancel one subscription and sign up for a different one, transferring any add-ons, with the push of a button. Similar to the “change size” function, this is dependent on deadlines.

For admin, go to the member’s subscription page and click Convert Subscription under the delivery calendar. You will then be prompted to select the new subscription and size if applicable. The old subscription will be automatically canceled. If you’d like to allow your members to do this themselves, check the “Convert subscriptions to a different share.” option in your “Option Settings” page.

Convert subscriptions (admin and member dashboard)

As always in CSAware, farms with several sizes of one CSA share type can allow members to re-size up or down, and CSAware converts the pre-paid credits from the old size to the new size. Go to Option Settings to allow members to do this, admin can do it from a subscription page.

Go to a subscription page to see the new “convert”  button beneath the calendar. To allow members to self-manage this feature, go to Shares & Products / Settings / Option Settings, and scroll down to “Subscriber Settings / Allow Subscribers to”. Check the box “Convert subscriptions to a different share”, Save Changes.

The value of pre-paid credits from the old subscription is returned to member cash account and that subscription is canceled. A new subscription is created for the newly selected share and size,  and automatically set to auto-renew (so we can access the cash from the old subscription to purchase new credits).  Add-ons will reassign to the new subscription with no changes.

The subscription conversion process is subject to order deadlines.

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