
Order question for canceling members

Options on Member Questions 

You can engage with canceling subscribers, asking them questions and/or offering them options to stay. Members requesting a subscription cancelation can be shown with alternatives you choose to present them.

Navigate to Shares & Products > Settings > Member Questions > Add Question.  Select “cancel subscription” from the “In flow:” block. You can then use the dropdown to add a question using one of our previously existing question types, or select from two new options: “hold until” and “convert subscription”.

You can also now customize the copy shown at the top of the “cancel subscription” dialog. To do so, go to Shares & Products > Settings > Edit HTML Blocks > Cancelation. The copy will pre-fill with text which can be edited and saved.

Information is also displayed to the canceling member noting their pre-paid credits remaining; and asking the question Are You Sure?

If you allow members to cancel their subscriptions, this is a terrific ‘speed-bump’ and we hope will help our farms retain members by adding this extra level of flexibility.


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