There's two things you should know about your privacy and LocalHarvest. First, we don't sell, barter, give away or rent your personal information to anyone, ever (So, if you find yourself suddenly deluged with spam or other junk mail, it wasn't us. We promise!). If you no longer want to receive email from us, you are always welcome to unsubscribe.
Second, the information you enter into the forms when you create your LocalHarvest listing becomes public as soon as your listing is activated by our staff. Of course the whole point of creating a listing is to make information about your farm available to the public, but we just wanted to underscore that everything you enter into your forms becomes visible to the world at large once your listing is complete. The other areas of the Farmers Only section, on the other hand, (like the discussion area and the mailing list), are accessable only by password. No one but someone with your password can change the information in your farm profile, and no one else will be able to see your personal account information.