You are eligible to join the LocalHarvest business directory if your business is:
- a direct-market family farm or ranch that does not grow GMOs;
- a Producers' Farmers Market;
- an organization dedicated to promoting family farms;
- a business whose products are primarily made from ingredients grown locally by family farmers.
Buyer's Clubs are welcome to add a listing only if they sell produce grown by local farms, and should enter those farm names in the listing.
To create your directory listing, click “Sign Up” from our homepage, Next, click the green “Create A Listing” button at the top right of the “Your Account” page.
You’ll select from these business types: Farm / Ranch, Farmers' Market, Food Co-op / Grocery Store, Restaurant, Other.
- If you are primarily a farming operation, please use the “farm” category. You’ll still be able to fill out farmstand, farmers’ market information within the farm category.
- If you are a third-party CSA or a multi-farm CSA, please select the “other” category for your business type.
- If you are a meat processor, please select the “other” category. You will find a designated field for describing your services as a meat processor.