To generate a waitlist for a particular product keep the product live, but take ALL the product SKUs offline.
To take a SKU offline, go to Products & Shares / Product Listings and select the “Edit SKUs” link for the product you wish to edit.
Then proceed to click on the “Edit SKU” button for each SKU you wish to take offline, and then set that SKU to “offline” in the Status field:
Members will see the product and be able to click on the Waiting List button to add their e-mail for notification once the product has live SKUs.
Turning SKUs back to "live" will automatically send e-mails to those on the Wait List. They can then visit your CSAware store and make a purchase.
To see what products and who is on a waitlist go to Shares & Products / Waiting Lists. A click on the little person icon will show the member e-mail, name, and date they were added to the list. To remove a member from the Wait List, click on the garbage can.
To add a member to a Wait List, Place an Order for the item on their behalf (CSA Member screen.)