Default departments are included in your CSAware set up. When setting up a new product, be sure to assign it to a department.
Only those departments with LIVE products in them will appear on your storefront. If you do not wish to sort your products by department, you can adjust your store template options to avoid "Categories" here: Home / Settings / Store Template
Please note that products can be assigned to more than one department.
Once a product is Live, to edit the product's department(s) go to Shares & Products / Product Listings / Edit Product and click on "Departments" to see the full list that is available.
To add a new department or to edit existing departments, navigate to:
Shares & Products / Product Listings / Departments
Click on the "Add Department" button to create a new department in your CSAware store. To edit pre-existing departments, turn departments offline, or to delete a department, click on the "Edit Department" link.