
Adding Add-on products to a member's subscription

There are two ways to add additional farm product to a member's subscription.

1. Member has prepaid the farm for the add-ons. Add the prepaid amount to the member Cash Account,  go to their Subscription screen, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Add add-ons button. This will take you to the storefront. Select the products, payment will be taken from the member Cash Account.

2. Member has a credit card on account. Go to the CSA member page, select Place an Order on the left side menu. Place the order.

If the member has pre-paid credits for subscription boxes, the add-on billing will adjust to purchase the count remaining. For instance CSA subscription has 4 paid box credits and wants the add-on with every delivery they will be billed for 4 add-on credits, unless the add-on is Bill per Delivery. In that case the ongoing add-on subscription is created but billed one add-on at a time.

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