
Adding a subscription for a member manually

There are two ways to add a subscription for a member. The first is manually and is not subject to your e-commerce fees, and the second is by Placing an Order.

To manually add a subscription go to the CSA Member screen (create this if not already done), scroll to the bottom of the page and Add Subscription.

Fill in the subscription data: share, size, frequency, drop site.

Payment Type: Payment Due creates a negative cash balance (i.e. monies due the farm). When the payment is posted, box credits will be released. Until then the subscription is active, but unfunded, i.e. zero box credits.

Auto-billing can be selected to create the subscription, but the member will need to add their credit card info via their Member Dashboard. 

Paid By Check is selected if you have the subscription payment in hand.

Direct Credit is used if you wish to give the subscription box credits (without payment? barter? gift?)

NOTE the Send Welcome e-mail checkbox in bottom righthand corner. Uncheck if you do not wish to send.


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