
Promotional or Not Promotional

In order to maintain a successful email reputation, it is very important to use these filters appropriately. If abused, recipient email servers (Apple, Gmail, Yahoo, etc) will blacklist our (sender) servers, thus your members will not receive any future messages from you. It takes a lot of time and resources for us to request to be de-blacklisted as well as for us to repair a damaged email reputation.

Think of your own email habits and history. Have you ever marked an email as spam because you were certain you had opted out of promotions and updates from that company? Most likely, you may find this to be very frustrating and it may even affect your opinion of the sender. It is the same concept here, and we need to respect the customers' decision. Additionally, here is a link to avoid triggering spam filters in your messages.
You may be aware that when someone initially purchases an item from your storefront, it will give them the option to sign up for updates and special offers:

This is the list of members that receive your "promotional" emails. Anything trying to increase sales or describe a product is promotional! Promotional is used for informing members of upcoming sales or new items being listed for sale. It can be used to promote events or update members of happenings at your farm/business. “Promotional” can be used for newsletters or blogs. All promotional emails will include an "opt out" link at the bottom. This is helpful to maintain a successful email deliverability reputation. 

"Not Promotional" emails will be sent to all members under the selected filters. This will include the people that have opted out of the "updates and special offers". This means that "Not promotional" can only be used only for transactional and/or important information that impact a member's subscription or upcoming delivery. For example, if you have a truck breakdown and deliveries will be a few hours behind; bad weather destroyed your crop, therefore all deliveries will be postponed; a drop location is closing and all current subscriptions will be moved to a new drop, etc. This cannot be used for any type of sale or promotion. If you use this filter incorrectly, then you will be running the risk of getting our servers blacklisted. 

Please ask your account manager if you are in doubt of using promotional or not promotional.

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