
Home Delivery area(s)

When creating a drop site indicate whether it is a home delivery or pick up site. If home delivery use the polygon application to display the boundaries of the delivery area. 

A colored map of the delivery area will be visible to the public to assist them in choosing a home delivery area; however, as all new orders need to be confirmed you (the admin) will have to make sure the delivery area chosen by the member is accurate.

Setting up the polygon instructions: Go to Deliveries / Delivery Locations / Add Location.

1. Designate a city and zip code, make sure that ‘Home Delivery’ is selected, and then Save.

2. You will see a map on the right margin of the Delivery Location page. A blue square represents the center of your delivery area. Click on the map and begin marking your boundary. You are looking for a little+cursor. Click once to establish the first node, drag the cursor to the next boundary/edge, click again to establish that node, drag cursor, click, etc. Make sure to finish marking your boundary by clicking last on the first node.

3. To edit a polygon, click on a node and drag the cursor. (If you are not on a node, then clicking and dragging the cursor will move the map, and not the boundary edge.)  Once the polygon is correct, click on SAVE at the bottom of the map.

On your storefront, members can view a map, see the different polygons (delivery areas) and as they click around the map, the named delivery area will be highlighted, so your members can see the days and times of deliveries.


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